Morning and overwritten Facial / Makeup Routine

Hello guys, It’s Sierra today! Sorry we haven’t been posting for a couple months, freshman year is really hard. We will be rearranging the posting schedule so that we can have posts up on time 😀 Today I will be sharing my morning routine with you!

So I normally get up around 6:45-7:00-7:20, depending on how late I went to bed the night before.

Once I am somewhat functioning, I either have a quick shower or I go to the washroom and brush my teeth and then do my Facial Routine.

For my face I start with cleansing my face with Sukin Facial Cleanser and my Konjac facial sponge (that thing is great), then I moisturize with Usana Night renewal creme. I also put coconut oil on my problem areas, my eyelashes and eyebrows.

After that, I go do my makeup and make my breakfast and lunch.

For my makeup I use mostly Physicians Formula from the drugstore because it is pretty natural. For my face I start with their CC + concealer under my eyes, then I take their CC cream and blend that under my eyes and all over the rest of my face. I use their bronzer under my cheekbones and a shiny eye shadow as highlighter along the top of my cheekbones.

For my eyes I curl my eyelashes and put on mascara. If i’m feelin’ it i’ll put on some brown eye shadow and eyeliner. Because my eyebrows are naturally flawless ( Lol just kidding not really) I don’t do anything for them except brush them.   

When I’m done my makeup, I make my breakfast and lunch and get dressed. After I’m done all that I grab my bag and get in the car!

If you’re still here after all that, you must really be bored! Haha okaaaaayy.

I hope you liked it and I’ll (probably) see you next week!

~ Sierra

3 Ingredent Chocolate Cake

Hi Guys, It’s Sierra today. Sorry I have been missing a few posts lately, I got a cold over the weekend and its really brought me down so I didn’t post on Sunday, but i’m here now!

So last year I found this amazing chocolate cake recipe, and it only has 3 ingredients and its Gluten and Dairy free! It’s super quick and easy to make. I highly recommend 🙂


One large egg

One ripe banana (chopped and peeled)

One Tablespoon of coco powder

1/2 Cup Mint Chocolate chips (optional, but it cuts down on the taste of the banana and sweetens it up a bit)

Combine in a blender and mix until smooth, then put in a pan or mug and bake for 10-12 min. at 350°F. Or 1 min. if your using a microwave. I found that if I was putting it in a mug then I had to bake it for longer (15-20 min.) but it really is a personal opinion.

I can’t express enough how easy and amazing this recipe is so I really hope you try it out for yourself! And if you have any questions feel free to email me drop a comment down below and we can chat!

Have fun cooking! ~ Sierra



Night Routine!!!

Hi guys!!! So I’m (Lilly) back after a short break. Below you’ll find out about my night routine, unfortunately I won’t have images for this post:( but that’s okay!

PS. these times sometimes change depending on if I have practice or not but is an example of an average night.


Finish up the last bit of my homework and have a snack (ie. an apple, smoothie, cheese and crackers, cucumber slices) and of course check Instagram, haha!


Have a shower and put on my pajamas on.


Brush my teeth, hair, and wash my face.


Feed my guinea pigs and say goodnight to everyone.


Go to sleep listening to an audio book (often helps me fall asleep faster)


Sorry this was a short post, look forward to next weeks , and have a good night!


First Day Of School OOTD + How It Went

Hello! It’s Sierra,

Soooo school started . . . . wow. I can’t believe it’s back the old grind, lol.

So I thought I would share what I wore on the first day of school, because you’ll all want to know what’s cool (sarcastic much) personally, I love seeing what other people wear so I can get inspiration for what to wear on other days 🙂

The first day was a half day so I had a lot of time to do my makeup, yay!

Here’s my outfit.

The shirt and ripped jeans are from Bluenotes (A clothing store in Canada; I swear this post is not sponsored).

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The shoes are from Aldo.

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And I had my hair in a twisted bun overnight so it would curl. It turned out perfectly!


The outfit was actually super comfortable!

As for how actual school went, it was ok. I like my homeroom teacher, and my classes are pretty fun. If you have to pay for a locker like I do in my school, I highly recommend getting one on the first day. It makes things go so much smoother all day not having to carry everything around with you.

I think that’s all for now, but feel free to chat with me in the comments. I’ll talk you next Sunday. Bye!

~ Sierra




Studying and Homework tips for High school

Back To School just happened, I need help?

Hi guys! Its a post from Lilly today, on the subject of homework and studying for school, hopefully I can help you out a bit. I’m just starting high school and am already experiencing the dreaded need to Study and do Homework. Below will be some tips I find help me!

#1 Find a place you can focus and work well


I personally like to put a bean bag seat or big blanket in a corner of my room, there I can be comfortable but not distracted, without risking falling asleep. Other places that work for me are at my desk or just laying on my stomach on the floor in my room. As difficult as it is I try to avoid places like the couch or my bed where I may be too comfy or unable to write neatly, places such as the kitchen table or breakfast bar are also unideal because of how busy and distracting it usually is in my house.

#2 Have all the supplies you may need by you (binder, notebook, pencils, laptop etc.)


Without all your supplies with you, you may have to constantly be getting up, for the impossible search of finding what you need. I like to keep my laptop close by in case I need to search up anything rather than my phone, which often takes over my attention with insta and snapchat. Having all your textbooks and notes will also ensure you don’t forget any important assignments.

#3 Stay organized


This partially links to my last tip, I can’t stress it enough how important it is to stay organized! This one I find really difficult but can save your butt when you have many projects and assignments. Its crazy how you can get all A’s and think you have everything handed in to see at the end of the semester/term that you got a C because you totally forgot an assignment or two. I have two binders that I keep in my locker, in each binder I have 3-4 subjects and a notebook for each subject, and NO LOOSE PAPERS.

#4 The 45/15 Rule

This doesn’t work for everyone, but its important to find a balanced ratio for homework/studying to a break. I use the rule of 45 minutes of completely focused work, then 15 minutes break to have a snack, check my phone, stretch, and whatever else I want to do. Then another 45 minutes of work. I find this helps me because I know if I get down to my work I will have a reward after, so my brain can get a little break.

#5 Yes Music, No TV

Many of my friends I know like to turn on the television for when their working on their homework but I find you’re not able to completely devote your focus to what you’re supposed to be doing. Music on the other hand can help with background noise, but it should be quiet enough that you’re not distracted by it either. There are some scientific studies linking music to brain productiveness, but you do you.

#6 Do your homework/study when you get it

NEVER PROCASTINATE! I know you’ve heard it before, but honestly it is the most important advice someone could give you. You can do all the tips above but if you procrastinate until after the assignment is due, none of it accounts. So take it from someone who has stayed up till 1am, because she left her project until last minute, and just do your work when you get it.


So that’s all I have to say for today. I hope you enjoyed it and it helped you out a bit, and hopefully my blog posts will soon improve. Have an awesome school year;)!!!

Lilly ( Co blogger)

Hello there!

Hi there!

I’m Sierra, one of the authors of Cereal for Teens. Lilly, the other amazing author of this blog, wrote our About post. Check it out here. 

I’m writing this so I can tell you a bit about the blog! Our name is kinda weird; Cereal For Teens. It’s my name (Sierra) and Lilly combined, which makes Cereal. For Teens is because our content is directed towards teenagers. 

We do have a schedule if you were wondering. Lilly will post every Wednesday and I will be posting every Sunday. Two posts a week, yay!   

I did have another blog, Gypsy Pixie, which I don’t post on anymore because I couldn’t keep up with how much I had to post. That’s how the idea for this soon-to-be wonderful collab blog came to be! 

I think that’s all for now, but I will talk to you more on Sunday.


~ Sierra



If you miss us already you don’t have to wait long. Lilly will be posting on Wednesday!! Woo hoo!Â